Brockton ‘Brock’ Neubauer

Well, hi, and yes I am Brock from Pokemon. I am constantly squinting and chasing after women without success. At any rate, here I am at I was always into the things nerdy and fun. Watching nineties cartoons and playing the original Nintendo Entertainment System! I had many games including Mario Brothers one, two, and three, Ninja Gaiden, Golf, Mike Tyson’s Punch out and the list goes on. I can remember rooting my brother on as he beat what was in our opinion the really hard games. My brother being six years older then I was naturally better at them.

When I got a little older of course the next generation of consoles came out at that time they were of course the Sega Genesis and the Super Nintendo. My brother and I chose a Sega Genesis, and were introduced to the Sonic games and many Disney movies made into games, haha. Time went on, and video games advanced to the Playstation/Nintendo 64 era. I got a Gameboy pocket and a Playstation that year, and was very happy. Playing Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation, and paying pokemon of course on the Gameboy. There was the slight period that my gameboy got stolen along with my yellow version in sixth grade, but I did finally bring the thief to justice! I grew interests changed, Anime had its day. I am more of a Hayao Mayazaki fan then the normal anime repertoire. But I loved Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and Digimon even though they aren’t considered “real anime”. In high school I bought my first system all on my own, the Nintendo Gamecube. From their I acquired other things over time like a Gameboy Advanced, and really only had the gameboys to play pokemon and Zelda games. I was a big Nintendo character fan if you hadn’t noticed. In truth later I bought a Wii and a Nintendo DS.

Consoles would get the back burner when I first played World of Warcraft my freshman year of college in 2007, and have not really stopped and still play. In truth I haven’t played much else after that. I delved deeper into the game when I began to rolepay a priest. That pretty much changed my gameplay forever more, and that is actually how I came across three other current staff members of My how time flies. I was most intrigued when Lusipurr told me about the site and came and read some of the posts and listened to the podcast. And started to acclimated to the industry again, and thought maybe I would like to be apart of this very modest organization. And since I haven’t played Pokemon X and Y yet, I think now would be the best time to invest in a Nintendo 3DS and get it, don’t you? Lusipurr has dubbed me for obvious reasons the go to man for pokemon related news, so here we go! Haha, whats with those fairy types? Am I right? But will close with a little story about poke’mon. When I was first playing in fifth grade, I was contemplating the Eevee evolutions and wondered what the grass type would be. I said maybe “Leafeon”, but then decided that name was retarded. And sure enough nearly twenty years later they used it. Nintendo owes me millions, just saying. Peace.

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