TSM Episode 244: Goblintalk

Katakit, the Kit Kat Pokemon

Katakit, the Kit Kat Pokemon

The Starlight Megaphone
Download: Produced 2013.11.03

SiliconNooB and Gyme serve as panelists solely for the purpose of ruining Lusipurr’s dreams of an artistic website. Poems are solicited, comments are desired, SiliconNooB is foulmouthed, and Gyme ends up being banned from podcasting for a month. Industry!


  1. DiceAdmiral
    Posted 2013.11.04 at 22:17 | Permalink

    Expect the info blast tomorrow morning.

  2. Savante
    Posted 2013.11.04 at 23:00 | Permalink

    Could forever listen to the chaos of these first 10 minutes.

  3. Savante
    Posted 2013.11.04 at 23:06 | Permalink

    Could forever listen to the chaos of the these first 15 minutes. Holy shit.

  4. Lusipurr
    Posted 2013.11.05 at 11:03 | Permalink

    Hopefully I will be back on the normal editing schedule going forward, but I make no promises.

  5. DiceAdmiral
    Posted 2013.11.05 at 14:03 | Permalink

    Dice Admiral’s Info Blast and Listener Commentary:

    Intro Audio:
    Quality still shite

    This week’s panel:

    Extra Life:

    Donation Drive:
    Lusipurr will write and read on the podcast a poem of for any donator of a number of lines equal to the dollar amount of donation. Style and topic may be selected by the donator.

    Gyme is a douche:
    ‘nough said.


    You probably should replace those idiots with someone halfway competent.

    Listener Letters:
    Nice to hear some longer feedback make it into the show.

    Wii U shorts:

    The NSMBU Bundle:
    Got me to buy one. I played it over Extra-Life

    PS4 won’t playback music:

    Ubisoft cans Online pass:

    Swapnote shutdown:

    Runescape donations:
    I could not find a link to this.

    Yearly donation giveaway:
    If you donate more than $5(10? 15? I forgot) in one shot, you are entered to win a game at the end of the year from steam or amazon. (Up to $60, game must be new).

    Quality still stinks, I’m still complaining about it.

  6. KisakiProject
    Posted 2013.11.05 at 15:12 | Permalink

    Lol…uhm…I don’t even….

  7. Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor
    Posted 2013.11.06 at 06:34 | Permalink

    Smiley face

  8. DiceAdmiral
    Posted 2013.11.08 at 16:42 | Permalink

    When is the last day to donate for the fall drive with the poem? I thought you said Monday the 10th but I wasn’t sure.

  9. Lusipurr
    Posted 2013.11.08 at 17:40 | Permalink

    @Dice: Monday, 11 November, is the last day. :)

  10. DiceAdmiral
    Posted 2013.11.08 at 18:13 | Permalink

    Oops, I misread the calendar. Thanks!

  11. DogmaticPrismatic
    Posted 2013.11.09 at 01:12 | Permalink

    Zoltan’s a charming fella, isn’t he. :( His letter to you guys was like a rainbow of lovely love in a sea of septic despair. Both you and he should be proud, I think, although I kinda dunno why.