Hullo, FaceBookers.
We wanted to let you know that, in a few days, will close its FaceBook presence. Our Facebook fans deserve an explanation for this, so here it is.
Our readers know that has a strident anti-advertising stance. We deplore corporate monetisation policies. Our support for Indie games and the free-use and ad-free design of our site reflects our devotion to the ideals of a user-centred, open internet.
Unfortunately, over the years, sites like Facebook and Twitter have become increasingly corporate-focused in an effort to generate revenues. These movements have come at the cost of their user’s rights. Now, Facebook’s opaque data collection means that its users (including this account) do not have access to the information stored about them, nor do they have control over that information. A user cannot take their FB social network with them, despite that it is comprised of the user’s own friends and connexions.
This might have been fine when there were no alternatives; when, as a free service and the most successful of its kind, Facebook was new and unchallenged. However, there are now excellent alternatives, the best of which is (ADN), which opened an invite-only freemium access on the 25th instant. With better alternatives–alternatives that are focused on the individual users and not on advertising or corporate profiteering–it is time to leave the initial stages of the social network behind.
If Facebook was Social Network 1.0, it is time for us to move on to Social Network 2.0: a network where users own their content and their connexions; where those properties easily can be taken from one service and transferred to another, leaving nothing behind, if so desired. It is time for users to have control of their own data for, after all, that data is about them, local to them, individual to them.
WHEREAS Facebook seems to have become too associated with advertising to be compatible with the goals of and WHEREAS there are other and better alternatives available, will close its FaceBook page on 1 March. Henceforth, will maintain a Social Network presence on and, for the present, Twitter.
We encourage you to follow us on either of those two networks, and to share with your friends the Social Network 2.0 revolution. Goodbye, Facebook. Hello, world.