MAP Episode 90: Congratulations!

The official Xbox position is not to be confused with the Party Escort Submission Position. It also gives new meaning to the words 'cop a squat'.

Assume the position!

The Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast
Produced 2010.11.07

The countdown to the 100th Episode begins with the release of Microsoft Xbox Kinect. When no one on the staff buys it, the panel searches high and low for someone foolish enough to have purchased it. And they find that person in Oliver Motok.


  1. RootBeerKing
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 00:14 | Permalink

    My favorite part was when I was congratulated.

  2. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 00:53 | Permalink


  3. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 01:56 | Permalink
  4. Emmori
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 02:30 | Permalink

    Deimosion, you motherfucker. XD


  5. Deimosion
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 02:52 | Permalink

    Ha, you actually used it! Success!

  6. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 03:40 | Permalink


  7. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 11:04 | Permalink

    Fable III is a festering shitpile.

  8. Emmori
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 14:23 | Permalink

    Oh, you’re no fun.

  9. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 14:35 | Permalink

    @Emmori: “My name is Lusipurr, and I hate everything.”

  10. Emmori
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 16:06 | Permalink
  11. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 17:54 | Permalink

    @Everyone: Buh-gawgaw-guhgawk!

  12. DanChiSao
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 18:32 | Permalink

    Someone was satisfied with FFXIV…somehow. There are 3 80+ scores. I don’t get it.

    Isn’t my state great? I love living in Florida. It totally deserves its own Fark tag.

    I never played 7th Guest, but I wanted to. I’ll have to consider getting the iPhone version.

  13. darthgibblet
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 20:32 | Permalink

    @Lusi: I heard stories about the soup can puzzle from Clock Tower. Things like that are the reason I never played it. I know I’d never have the patience to finish something like that without just resorting to a guide every 5 minutes. Glad it’s coming out for the iOS, though. More people can get a chance to try it out!

  14. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 20:56 | Permalink

    The iOS really is a great platform for adventure games.

  15. darthgibblet
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 21:09 | Permalink

    It makes sense, what with all the pointing and clicking. The touchscreen’s not that great for, say, 3rd person action games, but adventure games fit really well on it, you know?

  16. Lane
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 21:27 | Permalink

    We’re Polish-famous because of Final Fantasy XIV. I’m not sure what that means, but… sausage.

  17. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 22:19 | Permalink


    @DG: I know, it’s dreadful for action games …

  18. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.08 at 22:50 | Permalink


  19. Kenjujuu
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 05:45 | Permalink

    @Lane: Famous in Poland – you have reached a new high. Or maybe a low, depending on how you see it.
    And did Oliver Unemployed Eeyore can’t-answer-the-phone-too-busy-playing-COD Motok really buy Kinect? Isn’t his life miserable enough already?

  20. evilpaul
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 10:37 | Permalink

    I’m mailing Lane some whole wheat sweet potato pierogies to celebrate!

  21. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 13:03 | Permalink

    @Kenju: I feel certain that Oliver Motok was there, in line, to purchase Kinect on DAY 1, as was his fellow member of the cult of NOVELTY, Ethan Pipher.

  22. Deimosion
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 17:25 | Permalink


  23. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 19:20 | Permalink


  24. Lusipurr
    Posted 2010.11.09 at 22:06 | Permalink

    Somewhere, in a log cabin deep in the heart of Appalachia, Oliver Motok is dancing around, naked, in front of his Kinectbox360. Imagine that.

    Now you will never be able to close your eyes again.

  25. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.10 at 07:30 | Permalink

    If by heart of Appalacia you mean the hungry depths of Ethan’s gaping maw …

  26. Kenjujuu
    Posted 2010.11.10 at 07:54 | Permalink

    I just threw up eight consecutive times. Thanks for that, lusipurr. MOTOKTRY!

  27. evilpaul
    Posted 2010.11.10 at 11:52 | Permalink

    Any specs out on the 3DS yet? It’s supposed to be quite a bit beefier, so I’m curious whether it’ll be fast enough to run homebrew apps like a PSX or N64 emulator? Not that there’s any games I can think of I’d want to play on the latter.

  28. SiliconNooB
    Posted 2010.11.10 at 14:23 | Permalink