Tag Archives: DLC
News: Not for American Consumption
News: Real Life Needs Patch Update
News: Apology Accepted?

If you are one of the many fans who come to Lusipurr.com for its vast quantities of weeaboo bullshit, then you probably know a little bit about Japanese culture and humility. If you know nothing about Japan, let me enlighten your ignorant mind: bowing is srs bzns. So when Sony’s second-in-command, Kazuo Hirai, along with [...]
News: Quotedustry!

Heavy Rain Gives While Taking Away At this year’s British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards for Video Games, Quantic Dream swept the floor with the hit crime game, Heavy Rain. Winning the awards for story and original score are not entirely surprising, but it also took home the prize for technical innovation with [...]
News: Pope Bans Frosting

The War Against Piracy Rages On So you are a multimillion dollar corporation, creating video games and minding your own business, when suddenly, the pirates of the internet attack your ship and steal your booty. Of course, you want to do everything in your power to prevent this from happening again, so you assess what [...]
News: Japanese Potpourri

SquareEnix’s Neverending Circle-Jerk This week, two of the Squeenix producers frustrated their devout Final Fantasy fans for what seems like the billionth time. At the end of January, Tetsuya Nomura of Final Fantasy VII fame declared that the hallmark of the series will not be receiving a remake, despite the deafening fanboy screams after the [...]
Review: Fallout 3: The Pitt

Bethesda expands the world of Fallout 3 even more with the addition of the newest DLC entitled The Pitt. The Pitt allows the player to travel to the booming industrial city The Pitt, formerly Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania before the bombs dropped. The city suffers from a disease in the air that transforms those who live in [...]