Reviews Editor
olivermotok (at) lusipurr (dot) com
Oliver Motok |
20 August
Blood Type
Job Class
Red Mage
Favorite Game
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Favorite Genre
First System
GameBoy Advance
Current Systems
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation 2, DS, and GameCube
Gaming Contacts
PSN: Metaridley64
Xbox Live: Ridley64
Oliver “Riddles” Motok is a washed-up gaming journalist who was once the object of unwarranted attention and fame due to outlandish claims such as “there is no exploration in Metroid,” and “Castlevania: Symphony of the Night sucks.”
Once the internet realized there was little substance to be found behind the amusing absurdity, they moved on.
Alone, forgotten, and without a purpose, Riddles fell into the dark world of alcohol, drugs, and unkempt sideburns.
Now, as a means to support these vices, he works as Editor in Chief of