Ashley ‘Thea’ Polio

Reviews Staff Writer
ashleypolio (at) lusipurr (dot) com

Ashley Polio

Ashley Polio


15 April

Blood Type

Job Class
White Mage

Favorite Game
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood

Favorite Genre

First System
Nintendo 64

Current Systems
PS2, PS3, PC, DS, and PSP

Gaming Contacts
Steam: itsathea
PSN: KittyThea

Born in a small town in Michigan, I developed a fascination for all things whimsical and fantastic from an early age. Twenty-something years later and that love has never left me. I have a degree in English and am currently employed in the insurance business. I share quarters with a cheeky rat named Stinkerton.

I am a girl of many hobbies — far too many to list here. First and foremost, I have a passion for writing. I am an avid reader with a special place in my heart for fantasy and science fiction. I collect BJDs and am known on occasion to pull out a sewing machine and do a little costuming for them. I am the creator behind a small fashion line in SecondLife that specializes in alternative clothing and accessories. I’ve been known to paint a Warhammer miniatures or two. Oh yes, I like video games, we can’t forget that.