Poll: Next Playthrough Game


You have completed the first half of the task, but the second half remains? Will you now cast your vote to decide what PS3 game will be the next to be graced with a Lusipurr.com collective playthrough?

What’s that you say? You will? Most excellent. But, you’ll want to know the rules first. You knew there were going to be rules, of course. Otherwise, any mouthbreathing cretin would be enfranchised. No, here at Lusipurr.com we require some evidence of your intelligence before we are willing to accept your vote.

It's a face only a mother--or a Canadian homosexualist--could love.

Sorry Ethan, you can't vote to play with Oliver. He's not a PS3 game.

You may vote for up to five games. But, for your votes to be counted, you must present a single sentence declaring why you are casting your vote. Each vote requires a separate sentence to go with it. There’s a catch of course: the sentence must rhyme with the game you are voting for. Therefore, if you were voting for Final Fantasy VII (and you can’t, because it is a PS1 game), your vote might look like this:

“Final Fantasy VII: I love meeting Tifa in her bar, 7th Heaven.”

I look forward to reading your poorly crafted versification in the immediate future. No doubt, your efforts will provide me with literally minutes of entertainment! Now, enough larking about. Get to work!

Poll: Next Playthrough System


Greetings, miserable thralls to my ever-growing power. I have descended from the sacred heights of Mt. Lusipurr to address you with this new Lusipurr.com event.

It will be a number of weeks until we begin our next collective playthrough. However, rather than make a gratuitous display of my power by arbitrarily choosing the next game myself, I will treat you to a taste of the heady broth of democracy. Yes, that’s right, I’m going to let you vote on it. We will begin by choosing the video game system that our playthrough will take place on.

Atari Lynx II

You may not vote for the Atari Lynx, or even the Atari Lynx II.

But, because this is Lusipurr.com, only the intelligent and sagacious have the vote; dunces and cretins do not. If your voting declaration is not written in excellent English, free of typos and errors, it will be summarily disregarded. Therefore, you must proofread before clicking the ‘post’ button.

To vote, you will comment on this thread with a single sentence declaring what console you are voting for. If you post more than one sentence, your vote will be ignored. If you post a run-on sentence, your vote will be ignored. If you post a fragment, your vote will be ignored. I could go on all night, but hopefully you see where I am going with this by now.

Moreover, the more elaborately crafted your sentence is, the more your vote will be worth. Of course, this also makes it more likely for you botch the entire thing. If you do, I will laugh–and then I will tell you that your vote is ignored. (Then I will laugh some more.) Additionally, and importantly, you may not copy the exact format of someone else’s voting sentence. You will see, therefore, that there is an advantage to voting early.

Voting will close on Saturday, and the results will be announced on the Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast. Tune in to find out which console wins!