Comments on: News: TGS Fantasy Tue, 19 Apr 2016 21:28:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ethos Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:45:55 +0000 “Seiken Densetsu is one way to say it, another is Kingdom Hearts.”
I lol’d

By: Lusipurr Mon, 22 Sep 2014 05:44:49 +0000 @Wolfe: We’re not perfect by any stretch, but we do have (some) ideals, and we stick to them.

Glad to see you back!

By: Wolfe Mon, 22 Sep 2014 04:51:52 +0000 Haven’t always gotten along well with the staff here, but I’ll say this: At no point did I ever feel like anyone here was part of the same circle jerk I’ve seen for years in sites like Kotaku, Rock Paper Shotgun, or Polygon. I have a new appreciation for Lusipurr’s adamant stance on refusing to host ads at all cost now, most certainly.

I began reading this site a few years back after hearing Lusipurr on RPGCast and picked up listening here because of the straight forward, no frills tone and a complete lack of the politically correct nonsense that at the time was just becoming the standard for the big commercial sites. Despite a few arguments and pledges to leave, I tended to come back after a few months simply because an honest voice in gaming discussion is hard to come by. And with all this conspiracy level stuff coming out, it dwarfs any criticisms I might have had for any of the hosts here.

You guys might be prickly, but by god, you’re not the sort of lying, double-faced shits that the modern gaming world has appointed it’s voices. Keep on doing what you do. Gaming needs voices like yours to give it the backbone that all these corporate dogs have failed to produce.

By: Lusipurr Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:38:41 +0000 Seiken Densetsu is dead. DEAD, you hear!? DEAD!!!

By: SiliconNooB Mon, 22 Sep 2014 02:43:16 +0000 Seiken Densetsu is one way to say it, another is Kingdom Hearts.

By: Savante Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:32:24 +0000 Great post SN.
One aspect to FFXV, while we know little of it, is that the battle system seems to taking a very Seiken Densetsu approach. I like this. About time. Hand shakes all around.

By: SiliconNooB Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:36:16 +0000 And this is 150 game journalists – surely that’s close to all of them?

By: Lusipurr Sun, 21 Sep 2014 22:06:08 +0000 @SN: Having read all of the e-mails in that dump, I am now convinced that the vast majority of these ‘journo pros’ are a bunch of scumbags, whose interests (whatever they may claim) have nothing to do with the ‘good’ of the industry or ‘journalistic integrity’ or ‘objective reporting’, but only with enforcing their own views by denying people the ability to discuss those views–a sure sign that they know that their views won’t stand up to scrutiny.

“Free speech, but only as long as I control the discussion and agree with the speech.” — What a shameful, disreputable, deplorable lot. Utterly devoid of credibility. A disgrace.

By: Lusipurr Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:51:35 +0000 @SN: It’s best to keep the CG people busy, otherwise they’ll start making a movie and it will be Spirits Within all over again.

By: SiliconNooB Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:28:13 +0000 They do seem to announce them well before they are ready to begin production – probably to give their CG people something to do.

By: Lusipurr Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:56:18 +0000 @SN: If nothing else, this all goes to show just how important this site, and others like it, are.

@Mel: An entire console generation has come and gone since 15’s announcement, which isn’t to say they have been working on it that entire time.

Perhaps. It’s not actually that unusual for large-scale AAA titles to have very long development times. Square Enix is rather bad about announcing their progress earlier than other companies, but I don’t think that their ‘world-changing blockbusters’ are, on the whole, so much longer in development than other similar projects.

By: Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:12:57 +0000 Out of interest, here is a more complete transcription of some of the discussions that have taken place:

Note that when one guy seeks clarification about when private actions constitute the public interest, there is a whole conga-line of arseholes waiting to jump on him and tell him he’s an idiot. It’s not often that you see such thoroughly unpleasant self-policing, so it is probably no surprise when journos are reluctant to step out of line with the thinking of their fellows. These people are nasty, and hate opinions that come into conflict with their own.

By: Julian 'SiliconNooB' Taylor Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:03:55 +0000 -Ben Kuchera is an absolute shit. Moviebob is something worse than that.

-The more I think about the existence of this mailing-list, the more wide-ranging the implications become. I have often thought it odd that ‘professional’ reviews so closely mirror one another, and just chalked it up to the first few to be posted serving to set the tone for the others. Now the most reasonable explanation is that reviewers have been discussing the games among themselves for weeks before hand, and that they have long since reached a common consensus by the time they sit down to write the review.

What then happens if one day they decide that sexy imagery is inappropriate for video games, and they decide as one to maul the next Dragon’s Crown?

At this point it just seems sensible to believe by default any conspiracy theory regarding the gaming press, because it’s beginning to feel like every last one of them is true [or like they are possibly even understatements].

By: Andrew 'Mel' Melcon Sun, 21 Sep 2014 11:14:48 +0000 It would seem, and perhaps not just because it is that I also hope, that FF15 is among the last in a long trend of Japanese games that have taken entirely too long to produce. An entire console generation has come and gone since 15’s announcement, which isn’t to say they have been working on it that entire time. Rather, they it’s to say they like more the starting of a project than the finishing. Years of anticipated lead up to a game is money spent making the project more toxic than anything else.

By: Miliardo Sun, 21 Sep 2014 07:21:06 +0000 In any other industry, these people would have been fired several times by now for a bunch of different reasons. The fact that they still hold their jobs and get to act smug on Twitter can tell you how corrupt this whole deal is. Also, moviebob is an asshole. Unrelated, but I just wanted to say that.

By: Lusipurr Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:17:01 +0000 I really can’t find it in my heart to feel even a modicum of sorrow for Ben Kuchera et al.
They are hoisted by their own petard. For years, they have drummed up readers into an ill-controlled mob which they gleefully used against their ideological enemies.

Time to reap the whirlwind.
