Comments on: Editorial Miscellany: Many Happy Returns Tue, 11 Aug 2015 03:13:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Dance Fri, 13 Dec 2013 14:06:07 +0000 Julian’s “Now Playing” on Bravely Default made it sound somewhat challenging, so I am looking forward to it again. I think I will put off getting Fire Emblem Awakening for a while; but those other tactical RPGs are some of my favorite games. Etrian Odyssey IV IS amazing, but it taps into a different kind of mindset with all that you’re keeping track of. While IV is more varies, I think I like Millenium Girl better, and hope they do another like it. Speaking of which, I’m definitely looking forward to Persona Q being like EO plus Persona.

By: Andrew 'Mel' Melcon Tue, 10 Dec 2013 20:40:48 +0000 *deadpan tone, staring at index card* Hey, Ethos, did you just say the comments section has changed? Wow. I did not KNOW that until just now. I’m excited to use this new feature of Lusipurr dot com and to tell my friends about it. Like you should too, point at camera. *points at camera*

By: Lusipurr Tue, 10 Dec 2013 17:48:46 +0000 Why are we reviving Q&A? It’s terrible! You’re terrible! This website is terrible! Everything is terrible!
