Jake ‘RootBeerKing’ Norwood

HELLO! And welcome to my introduction, for the 10th of April 2011! I’m your new Webmaster, Jake ‘RootBeerKing’ Norwood. Some of you might know of me from the comments, or TF2 Night on the Lusipurr.com TF2 server. Others (more explorative individuals) might know me from my various emails/mentions on a wide variety of podcasts! I won’t name names, but if you look hard enough you’re bound to find one episode, of some 40-something podcasts, that have mentioned me or read an email sent by me. I also was the host of the first Lusipurr.com Podcast Special! So yes, I’ve certainly been around the old Internet for quite some time, and if you haven’t heard of me by now, then by George, get ready! Cause I’m about to drop some hardcore, gaming-related, biographical knowledge on you!

I grew up on a little island in eastern Canada, where there wasn’t much in the way of entertainment, besides run around the fields and playing what basically is now known on the Internet as LARPing… So when my friends and I weren’t busy pretending to be knights on a quest to save the world, we were gaming.

I’ve been gaming almost as long as I can remember. Games like Super Mario Bros., Double Dragon II, and Pro Wrestling for the NES were just some of the games that I first got my fragile little paws on. In those early years I spend most of my time playing 2D platformers, my genre of choice! A few years later, Pokemania was sweeping the world! Almost every young person on the island was playing it! We would trade and battle like there was no tomorrow! It was a grand old time, and because of it I was introduced to a crazy little thing called RPGs.

After befriending the more nerdy folks on the island I soon was introduced to Final Fantasy along with a multitude of other SNES and PS1 RPGs. If I was hooked on platforming, by golly, I was even more hooked on phonics, by which I mean, stories in my video games. And as the years went on, I played almost nothing but RPGs, proclaiming them my favorite video game genre.
As the other (more typical) pokemon kids grew out of the fad, and started experimenting with drugs and alcohol, I was in my room playing my RPGs!

Flash forward to more recent times, where we find ourselves in times of trouble: First-Person Shooters and Sports games reign rampant! The western gaming market comes back stronger than ever, and Japanese developers struggle to discover how to make a game that appeals to this new breed of gamer, in doing so the Japanese RPG falls in quality, and I become all but burnt out on the genre.

Nowadays, while still enjoying a good Japanese RPG here and there, I find myself going back to my gaming roots, with 2D platformers. I’ve also become a big fan of Japanese Shooters (note the lack of ‘first-person’), Music Games in recent times, playing games like Taiko no Tatsujin, and Mushihime-sama for PS2.

8 Responses to Jake ‘RootBeerKing’ Norwood

  1. Lane says:

    It’s only LARP-ing when grown-ass men do it. When kids do it, it’s called playing with imagination. One is acceptable; the other isn’t.

    Grown-ass men that want to LARP should just do what all respectable imaginationists do, and take up writing fiction. Cough cough.

  2. RootBeerKing says:

    Sadly my imagination died long ago. So no LARPing or fiction writing for me, sadly!

  3. SiliconNooB says:

    I’m sure you could pen some half way decent loli porn.

  4. Lusipurr says:

    Oh no, it’s a bunch of weeaboo bullshit!

  5. Reetin says:

    I approve of RBK working on this site pants!

  6. Reetin says:

    I do!

  7. Jordan says:

    I think RBK is a pretty cool guy. eh posts shit and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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