Editorial: How Mature is TOO Mature?


Was the picture choice too much? Are you scarred for life?

Not mature enough.

Hello, my dearest of doves.  Lately I have been playing a lot of mature rated games, and it got me wondering if developers have gone overboard with the amount of sex and violence in their games.  The biggest offender of this is arguably the Grand Theft Auto series, with its insane amount of graphic situations and sexual themes.  Even the Fallout series, one of my favorite franchises, has a character perk called “Bloody Mess” which makes some enemies explode in chunks when defeated.  It has gotten to the point where pretty much all of the good games on the XBox 360 are mature rated games.

So my questions to you, my dear readers, are what you think.  Are there too many mature rated games right now?  Do developers cross the line with some of their more graphic games?  Does it really matter?  Tell me in the comments below!