One of Those Webcomics: #1 presents One of Those Webcomics: #1

It was either this or stickpeople, and webcomics with stickpeople are hackneyed and trite. Or, to put it another way, Rubbish.

9 Responses to One of Those Webcomics: #1

  1. RootBeerKing says:

    Haha! Well Reetin I think was the one that suggested webcomic, I suggested that it just be all text. And now I suggest you make this a weekly feature! Cause it is made of win!

  2. DanChiSao says:

    Cool story, bro.

  3. Lusipurr says:

    I’m not your bro, pal.

  4. SiliconNooB says:


  5. Ethos says:

    I’m not your pal, guy.

    Also, I love the feature. Continue it.

  6. SiliconNooB says:

    The most Lusipurr post to have ever featured on!

  7. Lusipurr says:

    It is 100% genuine Lusipurr!

  8. RootBeerKing says:

    It’s been a week, where is comic number 2?

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