Editorial: Cry Me a Fucking River


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Arbeit Macht Frei: Lusipurr.com

I am a firm believer that in this life you get what you pay for. I mean what idiot would buy a car expecting to use it as their primary CD player, or to look at the PSP with its moribund UMD film line up as the centerpiece of their home cinema? For that matter what kind of mouth breathing holistically retarded waste of potable water and oxygen buys a PS3 expecting to use it as their primary PC? Don’t answer that last part, it was largely rhetorical. We know that all Linux users are genetically deficient beyond any hope of rehabilitation, and we know that each and every one of them, to a man, is possessed of a sense of unqualified entitlement usually reserved for kings, princes and Bobby Nodick.

Thus it came as little surprise to us, I am sure, when multiple lawsuits were filed against Sony for the grievous act of protecting their business by disabling the hallowed feature of ‘other OS’. Cry me a fucking river. The best justification that these feeble minds can concoct for their parasitic infestation of the legal system, is that ‘other OS’‘ was a heavily advertised core feature of the PS3, as though Sony releasing a patch removing the use of Linux would somehow be akin to Sony releasing a patch to prevent the use of game discs with the system, or the playback of Blu-ray films.

At this point I think I could be forgiven for saying “whaaaaaa?” I may be out of the loop on this one, but I do not recall ‘other OS‘ being a key selling point of the PS3, rather I remember it as a bullet point at the end of a very long list of other bullet points, and as being a feature that no more than a handful of people used. Thus they are suing Sony for a breach of truthiness in their advertising, when they perhaps would have been better served testing the legal definition of “only does everything“. Yet even this definition has also been breached by Sony patching in restrictions to various USB storage devices and peripheral devices, to mercifully little fanfare.

Linuxtards reaction to Sony’s patch is what it is, annoying to be sure, but absolutely to be expected from the sue happy Americas. A situation that I take an altogether dimmer view of however, is the plaints of organizational bodies who are possessed of means, yet do not use them. They create super computers from PS3′s at Sony’s expense and then complain when this feature is taken away from them. Enter the United States Airforce:

Using PS3s for the supercomputer’s core allowed AFRL to construct the system for a total cost of $2 million, which Barnell estimates is five to 10 percent of an equivalent system built entirely with off-the-shelf computer parts. It will also consume one-tenth the power of other comparably powered supercomputers, officials said.

“This will make it difficult to replace systems that break or fail. The refurbished PS3s also have the problem that when they come back from Sony, they … will not allow Other OS, which seems wrong. We are aware of class-action lawsuits against Sony for taking away this option on systems that used to have it.”

Cry me a fucking river. These enterprises were established at a time long before the selling the PS3 became profitable for Sony, meaning that each PS3 within the several thousand console cluster was costing Sony money without standing to reimburse them with game sales. And now they cannot replace a PS3 should it fail, and they are disappointed with Sony. Cry me a fucking river. This government funded body was busy sapping the life-blood of Sony, and they now turn to us for sympathy. Is it really such a surprise to these doltish parasites that Sony is looking towards their paying customers, rather than these free-loading nematodes? Do you think perhaps the United States Airforce could afford a better super computer than a batch of cobbled together PS3s?

At any rate this situation is what it is. The fact that the Airforce has not as yet launched their own lawsuit may in fact point to the fruitlessness of the endeavour. But enough of me GAGA fans, what do you think of the use of PS3s for non-gaming purposes? Do you think these morons are well within their rights to demand compensation? Or are you possessed of a normal brain? And of course it goes without saying that I look forward to Lusipurr.com’s chief law boffin Darth Lane setting us straight on this issue!

Do not look on this picture lest you wish to go blind!

Doing the Montok Rock!