News: FABLE WEEK: Finally Something Lusi Approves Of


To bring our amazing Fable week to a fantastic close, Eurogamer gives us a most amazing interview with Peter ‘Pedobear’ Molyneux which sheds some light on Lusipurr’s future incarceration.

Fable 3 Molyneux

He's reaching for your gentlemen vegetables, beware kiddies.

Many industry professionals were asked about what game they felt was the most prolific and what they would hope to accomplish in their career. For Molyneux, the answer is ICO.

“You go back to that title and have a look at it…It broke every rule of gaming,” he said of the nine-year-old title. He goes on to praise its minimal dialogue, unique manner of gameplay, and mystical environment. “It was genius and it still remains of work of genius.

“If I made something like ICO, I’d be very happy to die.”

So, our lovable Lusi-sprites, how can we help Peter Molyneux achieve his dream of making an amazing game like ICO? While Fable has made lots of money, enough to spawn two sequels, this game clearly is not the way to go for ol’ Pedoneux. It is our mission as Lusipurr’s faithful drones to help make this happen!

Though we all know Cooper does not care about whether Pete dies happy, as long as he and the Fable series dies, miserable or not.