Editorial: FABLE WEEK — Lane’s Fable III Review

The game sucks moose antler. Do not buy it.

The Canadian Moose’s Union Local #367 just called to tell me they were offended by the thought that I would foist a Molyneaux-perpetrated antler sucking on them. They have fairly powerful counsel, so I am caving to their moose-mands.

The review is hereby changed to:

“Instead of Fable III game, case contained steaming pile of reindeer poop. … Would not buy again.”

The Moose’s Union would like to further state that reindeer and/or caribou smell funny and have inappropriate relations with holiday figures.

Fable III sucks

Seriously, does this look fun to anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

10 Responses to Editorial: FABLE WEEK — Lane’s Fable III Review

  1. SiliconNooB says:


  2. Ginia says:

    What if I like moose antlers?

  3. SiliconNooB says:

    Then you suck those antlers, Ginia.

  4. Lane says:

    No one ever gets to bitch about the length of my posts again. This one makes up for last Christmas’ post.

  5. SiliconNooB says:

    You risk upsetting the Reindeer nightsoil fertilizer trade …

  6. Lane says:

    Meh. I’ve already taken a potshot at Finland once on here. I figure if they’re not sending the Hakepellita after me yet I’m probably OK.

  7. Kenjujuu says:

    At least Poland likes it. With any luck, we’ll start a gaming war.

  8. evilpaul says:

    I like swordfish cookies.

  9. Lusipurr says:

    Fable III: Now with 625% more Lutefisk!

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