Editorial: Not Lazy, Just Canadian


Hello and Happy Canada Day! I hope you all, Canadian or otherwise, find time today to pay homage to the Great Potato. Perhaps eat some bacon, drink some syrup, and call someone a hoser.

Unfortunately, I do not have much of a post for you guys today. I had a spiffy idea, but I was too sick yesterday to implement it and today I simply do not have the time. I will leave it for next week, and instead offer something that someone else did, which will probably be much more entertaining anyway.

Stay tuned to your browsers next week for a batch of retro review nonsense from me, and in the meantime enjoy The Spoony One’s Dismantling of Final Fantasy VIII. I promise, next week will not involve the Sims. It will involve Terranigma, though! Hurray!

Sorry again, but I did not want to leave you guys with nothing, nor did I want to slap some uninteresting, unfunny nonsense up.