Editorial: Now Accepting Donations to Help Cure Gaming Burnout


Hello, my lovelies.

Alas, this post will likely be lengthily-challenged (short is a naughty word in Ginialand). The site playthrough of FFX has destroyed my gaming bliss. Really, the game slithered out of my PS3, reacghed into my torso and proceeded to yank out my bliss, spit on it, throw it down, stomp on it before setting it on fire. Luckily my copy of Xenogears and the Mother 3 book thing-a-ma-jigger just arrived, which should cure what ails me. Unfortunately this is further motivation for me to hurry this post up and gtfo the internet. I was going to rant about MMOs, but Mr. Liles of all people beat me to it. He will receive his stabbings later.

So, let me flip this post around a bit. Have any of you ever been in a gaming funk? Have you ever lost the will or desire to play for more than a few minutes here or there? What is your cure for this? Is there a cure? Should we start holding annual fundraising telethons? I will gladly accept donations to help us find a cure for gaming burnout. To answer some of my own questions, I would have to say that nostalgia is my cure. I know, this is a huge shock to you guys. It is true, though. For example, in between FFX torture sessions, I have been playing Lufia 2 and I am going through one of my all-time favourite sidequests, the Ancient Cave. An hour or so of random dungeon-crawling there and I feel well enough to face the horrors of Spira again. I imagine that time spent away from a game or games in general can also cure – either cure us of our apathy towards games, or cure us of our game addictions, whichever.

Pardon me, all. I need to play some Xenogears. Hopefully after a few hours oggling Citan and Sigurd will make me strong enough to endure more of Tidus’ buffoonery.