Editorial: My First Foray Into an MMO


Many of our longtime readers and listeners already know that I am not a fan of World of Warcraft or MMOs in general.  Lately a few of my friends have tried to get me into playing WoW, even going so far as to offer to just take my laptop and power level my character so I can play with them.  Up until two nights ago my answer was also a strict “NO!”  I had neither the time nor the patience to deal with level grinding during school, but that all ended with my last semester.  As of two days ago, I am now a WoW player.  Here I have chronicled my first day with the game.

8:00 P.M.: Created account.  Chose server and made an Undead Rogue named “Naters.”

8:10 P.M.: Semi-watched some cutscene about the Undead or whatever.  Did not really pay attention.

8:12 P.M.: Some dude at a tomb told me to go see some other dude in a church about a quest.  Again, did not really pay attention.

8:14 P.M.: Dude in church told me to kill some things right outside of town that the town guards could easily take care of.  Not really sure why I did this, because I did not read what this guy said.  Too many words.

8: 17 P.M.: Finished first quest.  Friend signs on with her new character and I stand around waiting for her to finish the same quest.  Tried to buy new skills, but had no money to do so.

8:20 P.M.: Friend finished quest.  Started level grinding with friend doing other quests around the first area.

9:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M.: Traveled to second town, finished countless quests, and leveled up to level ten.

12:01 A.M.: Fell asleep at computer.

So, there is my first day with World of Warcraft!  To be completely honest, I actually had kind of a good time.  But now my question to you, my dearest of doves, is what you think of MMOs in general.  Which ones have you played, if any at all?  Are they fun or are they dumb?  Are they worth a player’s time and money, or are they just stupid and pointless?  Let me know in the comments!