Feature: The Summer of X-2


Lusipurr.com is pleased(!) to present THE SUMMER OF X-2.

Good God, what an abomination. How will we ever earn forgiveness for this?

Welcome to the Summer of X-2!

Following up on the huge and inexplicable success of Final Fantasy X, Square Enix began the first direct sequel in the history of the Final Fantasy franchise. After lengthy research and opinion samples taken from wealthy young ladies in the 12-14 age bracket, the development team felt it was ready to move forward. With Brittany Spears as their artistic director, work began on Final Fantasy X-2.

Seeking to redress the distressingly ridiculous ending of Final Fantasy X, developers decided to follow the antics of High-Summoner-turned-Pop-Star Yuna in her quest to make it big with a group of sphere-snatching pirates calling themselves the Gullwings. Fate intervenes when an orb is found to contain an image of a lost loved one. So it is that Yuna, along with her partners Rikku and Paine, set out to find a particular blitzball player, once renowned for his expert skill with the Zanarkand Abes. Along the way, there are plenty of slapstick comedic exercises, and with its focus on fashion and glamour, the target audience is sure to devolve into squeals of joy.

What do you think of Final Fantasy X-2? With an inspired battle system, there is much to laud–were it not buried beneath six thousand metres of pink, bubble-gum-flavoured icing. But, let us hear your opinions. They matter. Oh yes, your opinions matter very much.

Enjoy the Summer of X-2!