Editorial: Five Things Every Game Should Have


As I have mainly been playing older games lately, as that is all my current budget can afford, I have noticed it is hard to get used to not having many features newer games come with.  Here I have listed a few that I feel every game should include.

1. Auto-Save Checkpoints – This probably the most important thing a game can include.  I can not tell you how many times I have played an older game and quit assuming the game saved at the last checkpoint, only to boot it up again later and find I have to start from the beginning of the game.

2. Pause-able/Skip-able Cutscenes – This is another important aspect of any game, especially RPGs.  I think we have all encountered a time when a game has a plot heavy cutscene and just as it is getting good you get that phone call you have been waiting for or one of your parents comes into your room to talk to you (SHUT UP DURING MY CUTSCENES, MOM!).

3. Subtitles – It is amazing to know that even in recent games, subtitle options are not available.  As good as voice acting is these days (mostly) sometimes we have a hard time hearing some of it.  Just give us the ability to read what is being said!  It is not that hard!

4. Home Button Pauses the Game – This is mainly an issue for PlayStation 3 or XBox 360 games.  We all have those times when you get a message from a friend and you hit the home button to read it assuming the game will pause only to find this is not the case.  Usually this is not a big deal, but I know there have been times where I can not get back to the game fast enough to avoid a critical enemy attack.  Just have the home button pause the game!  C’mon, developers!

5. Option to Install Game Data – The 360 lets you do this for any game, but only a select few on the PlayStation 3.  Not only does this make load times faster (because we all have precious few time to play these days), but it also reduces the risk of your system over heating, as it does not constantly read from a disc.

So, my beautiful creatures of the night, I would like your thoughts on this subject.  Anything that should have been added to the list?  Anything that should have been deleted?  Or just tell me how much you love me!  You know what to do in the comments below!