Editorial: Let’s Have Dialogue!


I do not feel like anything I have an opinion on is important enough to be heard by hundreds/thousands/millions, which is why, over the past year or so, I have decided to no longer pursue the dream I had of writing professionally (not to suggest that writing on Lusipurr.com is not professional by any means). This goes against the idea I had that when I died, millions would mourn my death. Much soul searching was done and, without getting (too) philosophical here, it was realized that I much prefer engaging in conversations in small groups.

Here are some things I would write about had I more to say on the subject, so let us talk about them in the comments:

Activision angers me. We have all heard the stories and read the news about their current legal woes (pop-rockers, No Doubt, have a suit they filed against Activision for wrongfully using their likenesses in Band Hero that has been given a green light to proceed) and their dumb moves (the Infinity Ward firings and consequent loss of employees no doubt (ugh) due to Bobby Kotick’s stupidity). Outside of those big stories, here is a company that publicly stated they would charge more for games if it was up to them; stated around the same time that (1) the $120 Tony Hawk Ride and $100 DJ Hero were to be released to an uncaring public because of the (2) “annualization” of their franchises. (I am happy to that Safari does not recognize the word “annualization” as being spelled correctly because that would only make it okay for Activision to have ever used it in the first place) (also, let’s give it up for EA, stating that Activision “shot their race horse”)

Lusipurr wrongfully hates Peter Molyneux. I fear I will never have the opportunity to use what I am about to write as a headline, so if you have anything you would like to say about the man (Petey, not Lusi), now is a good time to do it, just file it under Peter Molynews.

Other phones, Ahoy! We all listen to the Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast – we cannot spell “semaphore” without “MAP,” after all – but are there other ‘casts you guys (and gals?!) listen to? I like that on the IGN podcasts the staff do not sound like pretentious douches like the 1uppers sometimes do, but I listen to most of both sites podcasts. I used to listen to the GoNintendo Webisodes, but became bored with them. Kotaku’s radio show styled podcast suffered unlistenable audio quality for a while, so I stopped and then they joined the CBS Radio Group (does anybody know if they have become listenable since then?). I really like the old CGW/GFW Radio podcast crew (Jeff Green, Robert Ashley, Shawn Elliott) and have followed them to their new podcasting homes (Out Of The Game Podcast, EA Games podcast, A Life Well Wasted (is amazing), and the recent Irrational Behavior podcast) and I have enjoyed these quite a bit.

I was going to mention non-gaming podcasts here, but decided to keep it focused on games.

There was something else I was going to bring up, but I had to switch around my laundry causing me to lose my train of thought. Maybe if I think of it, that will be my fodder for next week’s post. Until then, let’s have dialogue!