Editorial: O Hai!


So, my beloved Lusi-sprites, it appears that I am back … sort of. I am still using the old, broken, piece-of-crapola laptop, but Lusipurr is a cruel tyrant very persuasive person, so here I am! This will be brief, and I do apologize. Next week I should be using the shiny new computer, with the working monitor and fully-functional keyboard.

This week I would like to open a discussion regarding pleasant surprises. Pleasant surprises in the world of gaming, to be precise. The wonder and joy of a long-awaited Ginia post does not count, your praise and flattery can be directed to [email protected] instead.

Xenogears > Lunar

The primary catalyst for the discussion is Final Fantasy XIII, of course. My expectations for the game were so abysmally low that truly it really could not fail to surpass my expectations. An enjoyable battle system, likable characters, and an intriguing plot combine to make the game an unexpected pleasure. Other games, though, have risen above and beyond my bleak expectations. Xenogears is another example. That Christmas I had set my heart upon receiving Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. I was heartbroken when it was delayed and I had to “settle” for a copy of Xenogears. I was miffed, sure that this goofy robot-filled game would never compare to the classic, epic, uber-traditional Lunar. I was correct, of course. It was better.

What about you folks? What games have you played and enjoyed much more than you had thought?

Ok, bye! Better post next week!