Editorial: Since U Been Gone


It’s good to be back!

I tried writing an opening with a more serious tone about my absence, but I did not want the tone of the whole post to be brought down by that. I considered writing the whole post about the “whys” of my absence, but the more I wrote, the less I was actually writing about games. Then I got way off track by talking about The Royal Tenenbaums. Anyway! Almost two months ago, I moved back to Michigan and it took me until just last week to get internet back; that is the most succinct way of explaining my absence.

My funemployment has afforded me the opportunity to get in some good gaming! In compliance with my personal goals to beat more games, I completed a play through of Heavy Rain (OH MY GOD SO GOOD!), and I am definitely going to be writing about that experience in the coming weeks.

PixelJunk Shooter

I accidentally lied. Sorry.

I also went against what I originally planned on doing because – GOLLY! – PixelJunk Monsters and PixelJunk Eden Trophies are tough! I will be reviewing that (Shooter) in a week or so as well.

Lastly, I’VE CREATED A MONSTER! On my way to collecting more Trophies, I have been playing more Rock Band 2 (25 challenges on Expert done, now to complete instrument specific Impossible Challenges), Peggle Nights, and Buzz! Quiz World. The monster I created is the cutest ever and comes by way of my girlfriend, who has become addicted to Peggle, Buzz!, and is starting to feed her own Trophy addiction. Only time will tell if this ends well; currently all signs point to yes.

I see that all of you have turned to playing Final Fantasy XIII while I have been away, but if you have not been playing, tell me what you’ve been playing and how that is going. If you have, just tell me how things are going. And if you have a job available, tell me that I am hired!