Editorial: Pokemasters


Every time a new Pokemon game is released, I always tell myself I will not buy it.  It is always the same type of game with a few new Pokemon and a couple new features added in.  This is especially apparent when the “new” games are just rehashes of previous games, such as the recently released HeartGold and SoulSilver.  However, when the new games come out I always fall into what I call the “Pokemon Trap” and buy one of them.  This is not really a bad thing, as I always have fun with the game for about a month before “beating” it, even though you can not really beat a Pokemon game, and moving on to something else.  I always wonder to myself why each of these games are so successful.  Why do so many kids get hardcore into this series?  Is it that they find the game so much fun or are their brains hardwired into loving the series because of the huge amounts of advertising and the TV series?

So my questions to you, my dear readers, are these: What do you think of the Pokemon games?  Are you a fan of the series, or do you think Nintendo should take it easy on the releases?  Do you fall into the “Pokemon Trap” like I do every time?  Tell me in the comments below!