Editorial: Emotional Games


Apologies for the lateness and shortness of this post.  I have been a bit busy with schoolwork and playing Heavy Rain (It’s amazing!  Expect a review next Wednesday).  Now, playing Heavy Rain has stirred the most emotion in me I have ever felt while playing a game.  The ability to choose what the player wants to do in the game, down to the smallest detail such as doing work or playing with a toy car, adds infinite amounts of depth to the game.   This causes the player cares for the characters he or she is playing as even more than in a normal game.  The only other recent game that effected me this way recently has been Mass Effect 2, and even that did not come close to how much I feel for the characters in Heavy Rain (even after hearing the Salarian sing Gilbert and Sullivan).

My question to you, my dearest of all doves, is what games have effected you emotionally?  And alternatively, have there ever been any games that did emotion so horribly that you did not care for the characters at all?