Editorial: The Best Games We’ve Never Played.


Hello, hello, my beloved Lusi-sprites. Not rain nor sleet nor exploded computer can stop my blog posts. I have nothing else to do after work while waiting for the bus adore our readers too much to go two whole weeks without a post. So here I am, and there you are!

One of the most enjoyable (for me) posts that I recall writing here was my editorial on the best games that you guys likely did not play. These were mostly obscure fan-translated J-RPGs. Today, though, I thought we could discuss the best games that I have not played, and hopefully you all will name and shame yourselves and confess to the epic titles that you have neglected. Admitting the problem is half of the battle, and the first step on the road to recovery. Hopefully by sharing our (previously) secret shame, we will all be inspired to play these games.

1. Dragon Age: Origins I simply have not gotten around to it, and I am very sorry. I have it, and someday when the computer fairy (the nice FedEx lady) delivers a new PC to me, perhaps I can play it. It is probably better than most of the dated classics that I tend to play.

2. StarCraft. I just lost a lot of nerd cred, huh? Yeah, I have not played what I am told is the quintessential RTS of all time, ever, for infinity and beyond.

3. Xenosaga. Considering that Xenogears is one of my favourite games in the history of gaming, it is a bit surprising that I have not played anything from this series. Now I do admit that partial blame for this can be laid upon all of the poor reviews the game has gotten, but still, as a Xeno fangirl, I really am obligated.

4. Doom, Quake, Halo, Unreal Tournament, etc, etc … every version and incarnation. These are boy games. I do not play boy games. I do not play games with guns and little targeting thingys, and voice overs declaring “head shot!”. Nope, I just do not.

5. Po-ke-mon! This is for Lusipurr. I have not, will not play it. Ever. Most gamers have, I believe, at least tried Pokemon. Not I, though! I do not care how many gazillion million copies of the games are sold. I do not care that it is such a phenomenon. In the immortal words of many a lolcat … “DO NOT WANT”.

So, fess up. Bare your soul. Admit to the gaping holes in your gamer resume.