Announcement: No Post for 2010.02.03


What would we do without them?

The time has come for yet another one of those depressing moments when the Site Coordinator must regrettably announce a content-less day due to the wonders of technology. Due to technical difficulties with her computer, Ginia will not be able to post today. In the meantime, please enjoy this selection from the libretto of the great Gilbert & Sullivan work, H.M.S. Pinafore.


CAPT. I am the Captain of the Pinafore;
ALL. And a right good captain, too!
CAPT. You’re very, very good,
And be it understood,
I command a right good crew,
ALL. We’re very, very good,
And be it understood,
He commands a right good crew.
CAPT. Though related to a peer,
I can hand, reef, and steer,
And ship a selvagee;
I am never known to quail
At the furry of a gale,
And I’m never, never sick at sea!
ALL. What, never?
CAPT. No, never!
ALL. What, never?
CAPT. Hardly ever!
ALL. He’s hardly ever sick at sea!
Then give three cheers, and one cheer more,
For the hardy Captain of the Pinafore!

CAPT. I do my best to satisfy you all–
ALL. And with you we’re quite content.
CAPT. You’re exceedingly polite,
And I think it only right
To return the compliment.
ALL. We’re exceedingly polite,
And he thinks it’s only right
To return the compliment.
CAPT. Bad language or abuse,
I never, never use,
Whatever the emergency;
Though “Bother it” I may
Occasionally say,
I never use a big, big D–
ALL. What, never?
CAPT. No, never!
ALL. What, never?
CAPT. Hardly ever!
ALL. Hardly ever swears a big, big D–
Then give three cheers, and one cheer more,
For the well-bred Captain of the Pinafore!
[After song exeunt all but CAPTAIN]

There you have it. What could possibly follow that? Nothing really, except for this video of the only rap song Lusipurr has ever liked.