Editorial: Disappointing Games


Imagine this: a game set in a futuristic world that not only has ground combat, but also air combat using a personal jetpack.  The game also features a main character voiced by one of the best voice actors of our time.  Sounds pretty cool, right?  Wrong.  I had extremely high hopes for Dark Void, the previously described game.  The jetpack combat was enough to sell me on the idea, as I expected this to add a bit of innovation.  However, I was incredibly disappointed when I finally got my hands on it.  I have noticed this is a continuing trend in recent games such as Wolfenstein and Too Human.  As much as I would love to say this trend will end, I know this will happen again and again in the future.

So, my question to you my dear readers is: are there any games in the past that have disappointed you?  Are there any that you thought would be bad but turned out to be good?  Tell me in the comments!