Feature: Worst Game of 2009


Worst Game of 2009
Tony Hawk: Ride

Lusipurr.com is pleased to announce that Tony Hawk: Ride has been named the Worst Game of 2009!

In a year of stiff competition, with shovelware and garbage released on every current system, Tony Hawk: Ride managed to beat out all comers. With a hefty one hundred dollar price tag and a premise which leaves one wondering, “why play video games at all,” Tony Hawk: Ride is just the sort of insult to gamers worthy of our collective scorn.

Dauntless reader Kenjujuu, Briton and Alleged Female, has created this poster (inset) to commemorate the landmark event. Thank you, Kenjujuu! We appreciate your hard work, and we will now shamelessly use it as a feature to drive up our numbers. Simply click the thumbnail to see the full version of the poster. Enjoy!