MAP Episode 48: Fastest Podcast Ever


Tick Tock, Lusipurr.

The Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast
Produced 2010.01.17

When Lusipurr fails to record properly, the entire podcast must be redone–but Nate Liles has only twenty minutes until his date at the local public house. With only minutes left and everything to play for, the only option is FASTEST PODCAST EVER.

* * * * * * *

This morning, we formally offered Conan O’Brien (of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien) the position of Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast Guest Host. The full text of our e-mail follows.

Dear Mr. O’Brien (or his designated representative),

The staff of has been following your travails with growing alarm as it has become more certain with each passing weeknight that you will be leaving the Tonight Show after a too-short stint of just seven months. All of us, to a man, have been fans since your Late Night days. Your entertaining programme helped us through bachelors degrees and graduate school. Now it seems you will be leaving the air—a truly disturbing prospect.

Having heard that NBC is going to provide you an ample sum for their treachery, we have rejoiced—but speculation has been rife. What will you do next? Your show this evening put that decision in the hands of the people. But even then, if you stop recording new shows this Friday, what will you do in the interim? Luckily, my staff has just the answer for you: Guest Host of video game industry podcasts on

I know that this idea is too astonishing to even contemplate. Likely, you never thought you would have the chance to take part in a Video Game news podcast on the internet. It is in our power to grant that to you now. Won’t you consider becoming a member of the team? Currently, these positions are not paid—but with millions of NBC dollars in the bank, that’s hardly an issue for you. Instead, you’ll earn the gratitude of literally tens of people who will eagerly rejoice in every salient comment you make.

The job requirements for a podcast Guest Host are very simple. Podcasts are recorded on Sunday evenings at approximately 7pm Eastern time. You will need Skype, a microphone/headphone combination (or a headset), and a quiet room. Please be thirty minutes early if possible. The panel then chooses the news from the week, prepares the show notes, and records the podcast. Podcasts go live on every Monday at midnight Eastern time.

Whilst we cannot offer you a permanent position at this time—feeling certain that your skills will soon obtain you gainful employment at some more lofty venue—we hope that this offer of a Guest Host position will allow you to withdraw from the “Host of the Tonight Show” phase slowly, in gentle stages, so as to affect your sensibilities the less.

We hope you accept our offer and we look forward to your favourable reply.


~Shawn ‘Lusipurr’ Cooper
Site Coordinator,

Notification was also sent out via Twitter this morning on the site Official Twitter Feed. Send your e-mails to Conan and let him know how much you’d love for him to be a Guest Host here at!