Editorial: Winning


We all know the saying, “it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game”. This, my dearest Lusi-sprites, is what I like to call loser talk. At the end of the day in any contest or competition, there are winners and there are losers, and history mercilessly cares only for the outcome. It may not be fair or just, but it is the truth. The fact that France cheated their way to the World Cup, for example, does not change the fact that they technically won the game and are in the tournament while Ireland are not. Skill and fair play seldom factor into the final score.

So what does all of this mean, why am I rambling on about it on a fine Thursday morning? It means that I am a bad, bad little person when playing games. I am highly competitive, nasty, ruthless and bitter in defeat. I sincerely hate being in competition with other people. It brings out the worst in me, and I feel just wretched if I lose (though I am so ruthless, that this is rare). I much prefer to play against a computer and prefer single-player games. The computer or my television cannot hear me curse then out, and do not have any tender feelings to be hurt by my tirades. I seldom play multi-player games, and when I do, I tend to play single-player modes, or complete group content alone. Of course I am not so altruistic as to claim that I do this solely for the benefit of others. I am an introvert, and naturally prefer my own company to others. There are exceptions, such as WoW, where I am such good friends with my guildies that it makes up for the occasional twinge of anxiety or bitterness towards other players (I threw a mild fit when the Warrior rolled against me for a gun). All in all, though, even in MMOs like WoW, I tend to be friendly, but solitary.

What are you folks like? Do you prefer to play games alone, or do you feel games are pointless without other people to share in the experience? Am I the only person who prefers to play games on my own terms, at my own pace? Am I just weird and anti-social?