Editorial: Have Developers Run Out of Ideas?


The thought of creators running out of ideas is nothing new, especially when it comes to the movie industry.  Recently this has come to my attention as being a major factor in the game industry.  The recent release of games like Bayonetta and the upcoming release of Dante’s Inferno really got me wondering if this is a good or bad thing.  While Bayonetta is an amazing game (expect a review of it next week!) I just cannot help thinking that it is just Devil May Cry with a female lead.  Granted the game is made by the creator of the DMC series, but I do not feel that means all he has to make are games like DMC. The same thing goes for Inferno, which plays exactly like God of War, only with a scythe instead of some crazy knives tied to your lead character’s arms.  Now, I am not saying that there are no original ideas whatsoever.  Pikmin was an incredibly innovative and fun game, as well as the more recent Portal. The issue is that these games are few and far between, so for every original game idea we get there are countless other “copycats” released.

Now here is the conundrum I am facing: I do not really find this as something all that bad.  I enjoy the DMC and the GoW games, so the fact that Bayonetta and Inferno are “copycats” does not really bother me.  What I really want to know is what my dear readers think of this.  Are developers running out of ideas?  Do we get enough innovative games, or are there too many imitators?  Does any of this really matter if the imitating game is good?  Readers, tell me your thoughts and hopes and dreams (and if you’re a lady, your fantasies)!