Editorial: What The Dickens?!


Bup recounts for us his Top Nine Of 2009. Ginia discusses her resolution to beat more games. Lane pulls a Legolas and looks in to the future and tells us what he sees. It is as if the three ghosts from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol volunteered to write here when not helping the Scroooges of the world finally come around to family functions or buy large ducks for people they poopooed upon year after year.

This leaves Lusipurr as somewhat of a Jacob Marley sort; he lays it all out for us and tells us the happs. He connects all you Scrooges to these fine ghosts of fortune and wants only for you to heed their words, take them to heart.

A Christmas Carol

To date, this is the best version of our readers ever.

With you fine readers as our Scrooge, Lusi being our Marley, and Bup, Ginia, and Lane picking up the slack as Ghosts of Past, Present, and Future – where does this leave me? May I be your unappreciated nephew? I feel like I sprinkle occasionally unwanted joy into your bleak lives (asking for only your readership, listenership, and occasional participation in discussions through comments) and get little in return. Though I would never consider holding it against you – you are my uncle for Christmas sake!

If I am to be you dearly unappreciated, might I ask you this: What would you like to see from me throughout the new year that would get you to hang out with me (read: have open discourse with me in the comments, you Ebenezers you!)? I started my tenure here with more growl and ended on more of a whimper, but understand that lately I have only been writing only iPhone game reviews as it is all I have on me at the moment.

Are there any topics, ideas, thoughts or discussions our curmudgeonly readers have in mind that have not been touched upon over the past year that maybe you would like for me (or us as a whole, I suppose) to take a stab at? Various opinions, skills, and mindsets are behind what you read and hear here, so no idea would go unconsidered (so long as it relates to video games). Let me try to get you to appreciate me! Let us all get you to buy us Christmas gooses!