Editorial: My Top Nine of 2009


Today is Wednesday, which means a new amazing post by everyone’s favorite NATE LILES!  As I have not had time to play anything worth reviewing over the past week I have decided to make my final post of 2009 about my top nine games of the year.  Many of you will notice that I am far from the first person to do this, and this is because I am unoriginal and lazy.  I encourage all my NATE LILES fans to post their own personal lists in the comments here!  So, in no particular order, here is the long-anticipated list!

1. 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand - Who knew that a game “based” off 50 Cent would turn out to actually be good?  Much of the fun of the game is derived from how over the top and ridiculous it is, but the developers knew this and did not hold back any punches.  I mean, how can one go wrong with a game that allows you to yell a homosexual slur at a terrorist at the press of a button?

2. Batman: Arkham Asylum – I do not think there was a doubt in anyone’s mind as to how good this game would turn out to be.  Not only is the combat smooth, but the game looks absolutely beautiful as well.  I have even heard from people who do not like the Batman franchise that they really enjoyed the game.

3. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story – I have really enjoyed each game in the Mario & Luigi franchise, but none as much as the most recent addition.  The addition of Bowser as a playable character instantly shot the game into my top nine.

4. Ghostbuster: The Video GameFor a while nobody could decide if this was going to actually turn out to be good, but all those fears were extinguished when the game finally released.  As a major fan of the Ghostbuster’s franchise since I was young, having a game based off the movies that was actually good was a more than welcome treat.

5. ScribblenautsI knew this would be one of my favorite games of the year pretty much from the get go.  I spent about an hour on the title screen writing different words and laughing to myself when they showed up on the screen.  You know the game will be fun when typing in “Game of the Year” creates a copy of the game you are playing.

6. Infamous – This is one of those games I had a hard time putting down.  The way the main character Cole jumped from rooftop to rooftop was incredibly fluid and worked well for the open world of the game.  This is one of those games one can easily sink hours upon hours into.

7. Dragon Age: OriginsI feel this game will be on the list of pretty much anyone who has played it.  The various story lines make the game worth playing several times, as does the hilarious writing.  The RPG combat is well-done, but that is no surprise coming from Bioware.

8. 1 vs. 100 – While some may not consider this a true “game”, I have sunk countless hours into answering the most random trivia questions created by man.  I will often hop onto my 360 thinking to only play one round, and end up still playing a couple hours later.  It is even more fun when you get a group of friends to play with you and try to trick your friends into answering wrong.

9. Shadow ComplexIncredible Unreal engine graphics: check.  Metroidvania-style gameplay: check.  Nolan North’s hilarious and snarky voice-acting: check.  These three elements combine to create one of the best games I have ever played.  The only thing wrong with the game is that I wish it lasted forever, so I could always have something new to play in it.

And there, my dearest of doves, is my list.  Now I ask of you: which of those do you agree with?  Which do you not agree with?  Are there any games you feel I should have added?  How much do you love me?  Tell me all this and more in the comments!