MAP Episode 42: Nate’s Broken Headset


The Titular Device

The Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast
Produced 2009.12.06

Pushed to the brink by the tripartite efforts of Bup, Riddles, and Ethos, Lusipurr finally abandons ship midway, preferring a poo in the loo to the pointless antics of his usless podcast panel. (Next week, the panel will be replaced by a dog choir.)

OMG ANOTHER BONUS! — Are you a freak? If so, then you may want this latest musical misadventure on your phone as a ringtone. There’s probably something wrong with you, but I won’t judge. Instead, I’ll just give you a link to the audio travesty.

Dragon Age: Origins Contest Wrap-Up!
The time has come for us to end our Dragon Age: Origins readership drive contest. If you have obtained any references since we announced our contest, please comment below with links to the posts with the reference comments. We will then go over your links and verify the references. The person with the most verified references will be awarded a copy of Dragon Age: Origins for the platform of their choice! Now, is that a sweet deal or what?

UPDATE: Bumbling readers! Are you incapable of following a list of rules and regulations? Do you enjoy upsetting me and causing me distress? We are very disappointed. After looking over the various referrals (some linked below, others not), it appears none of the referrals came from registered WordPress accounts. That’s right: nought. Not one. Zero. Nada. Zilch. As this was a very explicit requirement of the rules, we simply cannot accept any entries which are not from WordPress accounts.

If were were to accept all of these referrals anyway — even if it is clear they come from validly referred people — then we would be putting at a disadvantage anyone who didn’t do this for the reason that they didn’t want to register, whilst simultaneously rewarding people who gained referrals by not registering. Obviously that would be unfair. Of course, it is also unfair to penalise the people who did get referrals by simply throwing out the results altogether.

THEREFORE, it has been ordained that on the following podcast a DRAWING will be held. For every valid referral a person has received, we will enter your name into the hat once. Hence, if you have three referrals, your name goes into the hat thrice. We will then draw one name from the hat on the podcast, and Nate Liles will announce the winner. This way your referrals still count, but they are no longer a guaranteed path to victory. Consider this your punishment for failing to adhere to the rules!

So, tune in on Monday and find out if you are a winner, or if — as is more likely — you are just a loser.

Really, I despair sometimes. I really do. This podcast should be called “Lusipurr’s Broken Heart”.