Editorial: Leftovers


Another Thanksgiving has passed, another Black Friday has trampled by, another Cyber Monday (can we please change that name, guys?) has been placed in the annals of history. This past week has left many of us here in the U.S. with bellies full of delicious foods, hearts warmed by family, friends, and loved ones, and our fridges stuffed with leftovers that will serve to remind us – at least for a little while – what we are all thankful for (they also help us to get through these two huge shopping events so we can worry more about deals and less about what to eat).

I am sure many of us have braced the crowds and cold (region-depending) over the weekend to secure some of the deals that went on out there, possibly treating ourselves to any number of the gaming deals to be had. Not me, however. Monetary reasons aside, I have leftovers of a different kind to munch on, and these ones will not go bad by any date.

My leftovers are of the videogame variety and take on two forms. I have talked about one form a number of times over the past few weeks (either in my introductory post, in the comments, or on one of the last few podcasts): My ability to complete games was compromised years ago. It really is something I am working on, and perhaps making this known publicly here will encourage me to take a stand and fight like a man… Virtually speaking.

The other form is one that does not rear its head in all our gaming habits, but it does in mine: The quest for Trophies (or Achievements for lesser men and women). I will not necessarily go out of my way to get a Trophy (I will never play 50 ranked online matches in MotorStorm: Pacific Rift regardless of how great the game is (really great!) or how smooth the online play is (really smooth!), but I’ll gladly waste a few minutes here and there to score one (I spent 20 minutes one day waiting for any random player to join my hosted online quest in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel to get the Bronze “Hospitable” Trophy only to log off immediately after they joined).

Eric J’s Guide To Hospitality:
“Thank you so much for coming over!
Now get the HELL out of my face, BUP!”
(… if that is your real name…)

Having a list of leftover games and an even longer list of things to do within them is something I am thankful for. It never gets old and is always in season! And that has got to be the cheesiest thing I have ever said.

What are you Lusiprites thankful for in relation to gaming? Do you have gaming leftovers you are working on? (Ginia: You only have to answer the first question; we both know you have games unfinished.)