Feature: Revisiting the Lifestream (Part II)


Lusipurr.com moves into the second week of our Feature: Revisiting the Lifesteam!

Final Fantasy VII US Box Art

Final Fantasy VII US Box Art

Last week, Lusipurr.com began a collective playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. The title for this four-week feature enterprise is Revisiting the Lifestream. Week two, running from today until next Saturday, will be a collective playthrough from Costal del Sol through the Temple of the Ancients. Please post your comments (positive or negative) on this post!

Of course, any sort of discussion about Final Fantasy VII is acceptable. Feel free to discuss any issues which are on your mind about the game as a whole, or anything thus far! What do you think of the script, the translation, the soundtrack, the battle system, the characters, the art direction, the cutscenes; anything and everything is open for discussion.

Meanwhile, Lusipurr.com staff members will post daily updates on their playthrough, including any issues or thoughts they have had. Readers are encouraged to do the same; if you have friends who might be interested in this feature, please get them involved as well!