Editorial: I Am a Big Crybaby


Lately I have found myself riding the masochism train, dwelling upon all of the sad, sappy and sentimental moments in my favourite games. I can freely admit (because I am a girl and no one cares) that some games, some moments, have moved me to tears.

It really sucks to be Yuri Hyuga

It really sucks to be Yuri Hyuga

The moment that moved me most deeply was probably the ending of Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Like the original Shadow Hearts, it has two possible endings, one considered the “good” ending, and the other of course being the “bad” ending. In this case, though, both endings suck. It is a choice, essentially, between the physical or spiritual death of the main character. The player must choose whether to allow Yuri to be killed at the end of the game, or to live on and suffer the effects of the Mistletoe curse, which will eventually consume his soul and deprive him of all of his memories and sense of self.

I realize that there are moments in gaming history that are in fact more tragic, more gut-twistingly sad. I think that the end of SH2 got to me so deeply because I played SH1 and SH2 back-to-back and after approximately 50 hours spanning both games, I was particularly fond of and attached to Yuri.

So, readers, what do you think? Do the old classics get to you, like Aerith’s death? Are you one of those people who simply cannot play Lost Odyssey again? Were you like me, and completely traumatized by the first chapter of Mother 3? Did you sniffle when Thrall was reunited with his grandmother and bawl when Saurfang the Younger bit it? Or are you a stoic and unmoved by the trials and tribulations of polygons and sprites?