Editorial: Now, do it in reverse!


FinalFantasy7SSI am not a fan of gimmicks. Recently, I have been playing through Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Final Fantasy VII (surprise!) on my PSP. Do you know what my least favorite RPG gimmick is? No? I’m going to tell you.

I hate RPGs that make you run reverse through dungeons once you are finished with them. Oftentimes, this reverse run is accompanied by a timer. If I do not escape within so many minutes things will either A) explode or B) fall down around me. So, after having fought my way through a mass of enemies I am forced to turn tail and do it again, in reverse and timed. No, no thanks, RPGs gods, not interested.

So, I leave you with this question: Readers, what is your least favorite RPG (or other) gaming gimmick? Please refrain from talking about the Wii’s motion controls or the DS’s stylus, thanks.