Lusipurr, Ethan, and Ginia show a decidedly anti-minority bent in this outrageously racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted podcast. Their ignorance doesn’t stop them rolling the Katamari, though! Na-nanana-nananana-na-nana-nanana!
MAP Episode 32: Ethan’s RacistCast
Podcasts | Tagged: Australia, Canadians, Cosmetic Surgery, Final Fantasy VII, Katamari Forever, Left 4 Dead 2, Namco Bandai, Nate Liles and the Amazing Ann Arbor Booze-Up, Nintendo Wii, Oliver "What a Douche!" Motok, Persona PSP, PlayStation3, Square Enix, SquareSoft, Stratusphere Yoga, Tales of Monkey Island III, Tales of Vesperia, The Frozen North, Trish Stratus, XBox 360 |
Posted by Lusipurr