Editorial: Guitar Hero 5 v. The Beatles Rock Band


With the recent release of Guitar Hero 5, there is a bit of controversy over the inclusion of both Johnny Cash and Kurt Cobain as playable characters.  The fact that the player can use either of these characters for whatever instruments they want has made some fans of the two a bit disgusted.  Representatives of Cobain’s estate have even come out demanding a patch to GH5 making it so he can only be played when either singing or playing guitar.  However, there has been no discussion over The Beatles: Rock Band, which also includes two deceased members.  Why is this?

Kitten loves Cobain

Kitten loves Cobain

The only real argument I have heard is the fact that GH5 just threw in Cash and Cobain almost as an afterthought, almost like Activision is saying, “Hey, buy Guitar Hero 5!  Oh, by the way: Kurt Cobain and Johnny Cash are in it!”  Whereas Beatles is a celebration of the band’s music, it being so influential to current culture that Harmonix wanted to make something creative based off it.  Another argument I have encountered brings up the point, “why should we care?”  So what if the game allows you to play drums as Johnny Cash or bass as Kurt Cobain?  The ability to do so should be a treat for fans of either musician.

Both arguments have their good and bad points, so it is a bit hard to decide which to subscribe to.  So, my questions to you, dear readers, is: what do you think?  Should Activision patch GH5 so Cobain can only be played if the player is either singing or playing lead guitar?  Does the inclusion of Cash and Cobain even warrant an argument like this?  Does the argument apply to Beatles as well, considering two of the band members are dead?  Do you even care?  I would love to hear the opinion of both fans and non-fans of all musicians involved.