Editorial: Okami for the DS?


okamidenWhen I first heard that Capcom would be publishing a new Okami game, I immediately transformed into a giddy high school fangirl. This happens to be one of the very few PS2 games I own, and I adored every moment spent in the magical, artistic world of Amaterasu. However, when I heard later that it would be a DS title my excitement transformed into quiet resignation: I knew it would be a huge disappointment.

It is written in stone somewhere that whatever games Thea looks forward to on the DS, ultimately disappoint her. Final Fantasy IV for the DS? I was so disappointed that I sold it on Amazon within a week. There’s just something about DS games that are doomed to failure. I think Okamiden is doomed to the same sort of failure. Maybe I am just not a hand-held, stylus playing sort of girl. I’d much rather sit in front of the huge HDTV and play a beautiful, well-executed masterpiece.

Will I still buy this game? Yes, probably. I have a vague hope that this Okami sequel will make me eat my words. I mean, really, look at how cute it is.