Editorial: Show a Little Love to Your Favorite Villain

Readers, do you have a favorite villian? I do!

Readers, do you have a favorite villian? I do!

My recent obsession with Final Fantasy: Dissidia has led me to lament the neglect given to villains here at Lusipurr.com. This editorialist, when she finally does sit down to play a game, more often falls in love with villains than heroes. She looks down the line of RPG protagonists and finds a plethora of blonde-haired, blue-eyed heroes. Much like the Princesses that have come to define Disney movies, so are our heroes– the same personality dressed up in a different costume. As with any generalization, there are exceptions to this rule, but that is not what I am here to write about.

When I was playing Dissidia over the weekend, the first thing I sought to do was to unlock Kuja. I did so only to find that there was no story mode available for this villain (or any other villains for that matter) nor was there an easy way to level him up. So, if I wanted to play a versus match with a friend we would be limited to arcade mode, else I’d constantly have a level 20-something Zidane destroying my level 6 Kuja.

So, why can’t the video game industry show a little love to our favorite villains? I would pay good money for a game where I can play as Kuja and go on some sort of wacky adventure. Or maybe I would like yet another sequel to Final Fantasy VII where I can control Sephiroth and kill people. Sure, many villains are stereotypes themselves– but for whatever reason there’s a part of me that will always favor the dark side over the light.