Editorial: Statistics, Sports, and the San Jose Sharks


The Sharks are barely relevant to this post, but I needed the alliteration. Plus, it is the playoffs, get in the spirit!

It is true that I am not often thought of as a “sports guy”. I pretty much suck at any real life sport and I couldn’t name more than 3 current, professional sports players from Baseball, Football, and Basketball put together. That is including both the NFL and CFL. I might fare a little better, however, if asked about Hockey. Fitting I suppose, since I am Canadian (as everybody at Lusipurr.com is eager to remind me). Still, I don’t watch it often and I’m certainly not very good at it.

So what am I getting at and what does it have to do with video games?
Well, fine readers, I am trying to gather feedback to see just how crazy I am, and if I am the only person who plays sports games in the way that I do.

Go Wild!

Go Wild!

Using a recently purchased used copy of NHL 07 for Xbox 360 as the base, the following is typical for how I approach any hockey video game title. 

1. Create an team consisting of only created players. Yes, 12 forwards, 6 defensemen, and 3 goalies. I also slave over their stats, never making a powerhouse team because I want them to improve if I end up playing multiple seasons.

2. Start a full season. Almost always using the Minnesota Wild. Slave over making the roster.

3. Finally play a freaking game. Usually on easy. Usually high scoring…for me.

4. After the game, I pour over player and team stats for longer than any healthy person should.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

As a side note, it’s worth mentioning that Lusipurr.com’s very own Oliver “Riddles” Montok is my secondary goalie and is absolutely abysmal, despite having superior stats. He let in 13 goals in 3 games. Terrible.

Anyway, is this strange? I am typically not involved in the world of sports and, in turn, not typically involved in the world of sports games. Does anybody else even create their own characters? How do you guys play sports games? Do you even play sports games? Why do I like the Minnesota Wild? I liked them even when the Leafs didn’t suck all those years ago. Let me know in the comments below!