Editorial: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles


Yes, it is true, I really did weep when Shawn decided it was time to trade in this game– SPs and Gamecube and all. I imagine our dear Lusipurr curses the day he ever bought this game for us to play together.

I think one of the things that drew me to this game was the cooperative play. I love games where I can sit on the couch with my friends and kill the same baddies together. Sadly, there aren’t many good games out there (at least in my experience) that accomplish this. 

It doesn't get much cuter than this.

It doesn't get much cuter than this.

Admittedly, the fact that one member of the team is stuck carrying an urn at all times is a little daunting (and certainly annoying). However, I think the game more than makes up for this in other areas. The game itself is very pretty, with rich environments and characters. The fact that I can use my SP as a controller is also quite charming– my own, personal screen with all my items, my map, and whatever else I might need. Crystal Chronicles is a light-hearted, fun game. Until someone can introduce me to something that is equal parts cute, cooperative, and entertaining, I will weep if anyone so much as tries to take it away. 

There is just something about cooperative gameplay that makes me warm and fuzzy inside. It is not the sort of feeling I get when I am online playing with my friends, it is just so much more fulfilling to be sitting next to them, playing the same game.

So, readers, what are some of your favorite cooperative games?

Wanted: Reader Input on PSP versus DS


Lusipurr.com is once again soliciting the opinions of readers for an upcoming podcast!

What do you think of the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP? Is one better than the other? Is hardware everything, or is the software what really decides which is better? What about development costs and constantly changing hardware? In short, which is better; the DS, or the PSP?

Comment on this post and let us know which you prefer and why. Your comments will be used in next week’s Megaphones Ahoy! Podcast. Thank you!