Editorial: Peggle?


Yes, Peggle.

I really needed a break from the epic RPGs I had been trekking through for months since I bought my Xbox, and I wanted something light and fun for juxtaposition. There are a few podcasts that I listen to in which a number of members rave about Peggle, but their descriptions of the game failed to entice me. However, I had leftover points on my account after downloading The Who Rock Band track pack, I decided I would give the casual title a go.

Yes that is a flower, and yes that is a car of pegs.

Yes that is a flower, and yes that is a car of pegs.

My god, is that game addicting.
Yes, I might be playing as a magical unicorn shooting virtual metal balls towards multi-coloured pegs in a hope to hear Ode To Joy play one more time, but few games give such instant satisfaction. 

But Peggle is a bizarre phenomenon. Like I said, no matter how many times I heard the game described by enthusiastic fans, I could not be enticed. In fact, I had brought my hard drive to my friend’s apartment and was playing Peggle there when he entered the room and immediately proceeded to make fun of me. Even viewed in action, the game looks boring and ridiculous at first sight, but I dared him to try the game out.

We played until 10am.

Yes, Peggle will claim your soul and not return it no matter how hard you beg. But if you, like me, have had a Mass Effect/Fallout 3/Tales of Vesperia overload, Peggle is the perfect distraction .

This might be a short article this week, but I need to go play more Peggle.

Do you guys play Peggle? Do you have other guilty gaming pleasures? Leave your thoughts below.